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Alpha-Lithium Iodate  
Formula: LiIO3
Alias / Keywords:
Item no.: 963182

Alpha-Lithium Iodate, which is a non-ferroelectric polarcrystal with large non-linear optical coefficient and high radiation resistivity, is used in laser technique as the medium to generate secondary harmonic and parametric oscillation. It is also an ideal material for making narrow-pulse, wide-band ultrasonic transducers in industries of aviation, chemical engineering, metallurgy and petroleum, etc.

Range of wave length for transmitted light: 0.5-5.0μm(transmissivity 86%)
Optical homogeneity: the change of refractive index 10-5-10-6/cm. SHG conversion efficiency for Nd laser light: 34%.
Damage threshold for 1.06μm laser light: 50MW/cm2.
For parametric oscillation, Continuous tunable light can be obtained from 0.9μm to 1.2μm.
Dielectric constant ε=6.
Mechano-electronic couplin, coefficient for thickness mode Kt=0.51.
Sensitivity of high frequency probes: 20 times as high as that of the PZT ceramic.
Sound impedance Z=18.5×106kg/m2.S
vPiezoelectric stress constant g33=320×10-3V/m .N
Density ( at room temperature) D=4.502 g/cm3.

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